University of Oxford, Saïd
Oxford, UK
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton
Philadelphia (also: San Francisco), USA
University of Peradeniya Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA)
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
University of Phoenix
Phoenix (Campuses all over the US), USA
University of Pittsburgh, Katz
Pittsburgh, USA
- › Full-Time One-Year MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › Full-Time Two-Year MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › Part-Time MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Executive MBA Executive MBA (EMBA), English
- › Full-Time MBA/Juris Doctor (JD) Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › MBA/Master of International Business Dual Degree Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › MBA/Master of Science in Engineering Joint Degree (20 Months) Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › MBA/Master of Science in Engineering Joint Degree (4 Years) Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › MBA/Master of Science in Management of Information Systems Dual Degree Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › MBA/Master of Public and International Affairs Joint Degree Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › MBA/Master of International Development Joint Degree Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › MBA/Master of International Development Joint Degree Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
University of Plymouth
Plymouth , UK
University of Pretoria
Pretoria, South Africa
University of Puerto Rico, Graduate School of Business Administration (EGAE)
San Juan, Puerto Rico
University of Queensland Business School
Brisbane , Australia
- › Full-time MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › Executive MBA - Global Executive MBA (EMBA), English
- › Henley Flexible Executive MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Henley Flexible Executive MBA - Global (Munich track) Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Henley Flexible Executive MBA - Senior Leader Master's Degree Apprenticeship Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Evening MBA Program Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › One-Year MBA Program in Strategic Innovation Full-time MBA, English
- › BS Industrial and Systems Engineering / MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › One Year Master of Oceanography / MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › Evening Master of Oceanography / MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
University of Rochester, Simon
Rochester, USA
University of Roehampton Business School
London, UK
University of Salzburg Business School
Puch bei Salzburg, Austria
University of San Agustin
Iloilo, Philippines
University of San Carlos, School of Business and Economics
Cebu City, Philippines
University of San Diego
San Diego, USA
- › Full-time MBA: General Management Track Full-time MBA, English
- › Full-time MBA: International Business Track Full-time MBA, English
- › Professional MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › MBA / MS in Finance Full-time MBA, English
- › MBA from WHU, Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany Full-time MBA, English
- › MBA/Master's in Real Estate Full-time MBA, English
University of San Francisco
San Francisco, USA
- › Full-Time MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › One-Year MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › Part-Time MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Accelerated Part-Time MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Executive MBA Executive MBA (EMBA), English
University of Santo Tomas (UST), The Graduate School
Manila, Philippines
University of Sharjah
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates