University of Sheffield Management School
Sheffield, UK
University of Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke (Québec), Canada
- › Maîtrise en administration des affaires à temps partiel - MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), French
- › MBA coopératif avec mentorat Full-time MBA, French
- › Baccalauréat en droit (LL.B.) avec maîtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) Full-time MBA, French
- › MBA pour cadres en exercice Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), French
University of South Carolina, Moore
Columbia, USA
University of Southern California, Marshall
Los Angeles, USA
- › Marshall MBA Program (Full-Time) Full-time MBA, English
- › MBA for Professions & Managers (Part-Time) Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Executive MBA (EMBA) Executive MBA (EMBA), English
- › IBEAR MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) Executive MBA (EMBA), English
- › Online MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
University of St.Gallen (HSG)
St.Gallen , Switzerland
- › Full-Time MBA Full-time MBA, English/German
- › Part-Time MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English/German
- › Executive MBA HSG Executive MBA (EMBA), German
- › EMBA in Business Engineering Executive MBA (EMBA), English/German
- › EMBA in Commercial Law Executive MBA (EMBA), English/German
- › International EMBA HSG Executive MBA (EMBA), English
University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB)
Bellville, South Africa
University of Strathclyde Business School
Glasgow, UK
- › Full-time MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › Part-time MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Flexible Learning MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Offshore Part-time MBA Executive MBA (EMBA), English
- › MBA with a specialism in Leadership Studies Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
University of Texas at Austin, McCombs
Austin, USA
- › Full-Time Program Full-time MBA, English
- › Evening MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Executive MBA Executive MBA (EMBA), English
- › Weekend MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Weekend MBA at Houston Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
San Antonio, USA
University of the Potomac
Washington, USA
University of the Sunshine Coast
Sippy Downs, Australia
University of the Virgin Islands
Kingshill, USA
University of the West of Scotland
Ayr, United Kingdom
University of Toronto, Rotman
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- › Full-Time MBA Full-time MBA, English
- › Morning MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › Evening MBA Part-time MBA (modular, online, distance, & blended programs), English
- › One Year Executive MBA Executive MBA (EMBA), English
- › OMNIUM Global Executive MBA Executive MBA (EMBA), English
University of Virginia, Darden
Charlottesville, USA
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management
Warsaw, Poland