Thousands of MBA programs worldwide but which one to choose? This depends on the criteria you apply and, more concretely, on your individual criteria and preferences. One criterion for at least the pre-selection of your potential MBA programs could be whether or not a business school is internationally accredited.
What means internationally accredited?
Internationally accredited means that a business school has at least one of the international accreditation certificates AACSB, Equis or AMBA. Of course, you will find more accreditation certificates than just these, most likely in your own country. But when it comes to international management education standards, only AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA are relevant.
Do you need or want an international accreditation?
If yes, choosing a business school with such an accreditation is a good choice. Of course, it does not guarantee that you are satisfied with the program but it guarantees a minimum quality according to international standards in management education such as 100% English as teaching language, a peer-reviews approach or ethics. If international management education standards are of less relevance for you, you can ignore AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA and rather consider national or regional accreditations.
More information
Please read my article "Is an international accreditation a MUST HAVE when you choose a Business School?" if you want to learn more about what an accreditation is, ist benefits and disadvantages and for whom an accreditation is an important criterion for finding an MBA.
By Thomas Graf